Occupational Therapy: Occupational therapists identify sensory and motor difficulties and provide interventions to prevent and remediate deficits related to the child’s...
Identify and modify sensory and environmental barriers that limit performance and participation in everyday activities, as well as individual strengths and supports.
Help raise an individual’s self-awareness of the impact of sensory and motor factors on everyday activities and real-life situations, and provide ways to counter sensory processing challenges.
Teach and model activities to support sensory, motor, and behavioral needs.
Identify and provide adaptive sensory and motor strategies and interventions using a variety of sensory approaches to facilitate full participation in daily routines and social interactions.
Provide education that reframes the understanding of the sensory-relatedconcerns
Provide accommodation recommendations for the student to decrease anynegative impact of sensory difficulties.
Establish a “sensory diet” that incorporate sensory–motor activities throughoutthe day such as before, during, and after school; and environmentalmodifications that assist the student’s school-related performance.