You see your clients struggling with severe issues like extreme emotional volatility, personality disorders, self-harm, interpersonal distress and more. You desperately want to help! To keep them from falling back into their destructive behavior patterns. Here’s your opportunity – DBT gives hope and confidence to clinicians and clients alike.
The evidence-based Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT) approach can be an extremely powerful tool to create the lasting behavioral change you both want!
DBT is perfect for those clients who seem resistant to your current therapeutic techniques. Designed in the early 1990s, DBT helps individuals create a life worth living.
It is a synthesis of several therapeutic approaches designed primarily to treat disorders involving emotional dysregulation. In contrast to free-flowing and introspective talk therapies, DBT is a highly structured approach to treatment. Using a combination of behavioral techniques, psycho-educational modules and eastern mindfulness practices, DBT targets the issues that cause intense distress and teaches practical skills for dealing with these issues.
This seminar is designed to help you understand why DBT is so effective with your clients and will lay the groundwork of skills for a solid foundation in DBT.
Don’t wait to give your clients the healing they deserve... see what DBT training can do for you and your practice today!